
My goal is to add resources that I find super helpful in my daily teaching. I feel like every year I am trying to find something fresh or just new to me. I have “go to” websites that I love. I have go to people I also use as a resource. I sometimes find that the teachers I work with are my best resource. Teachers of the Deaf are sometimes like little islands. I am very fortunate to have a core group I rely on for feedback, ideas and support. I don’t think they would love their faces posted here, but I am going to share stories and fantastic ideas.

My TpT Store

This is another new adventure for me this year. I have been making resources that have been useful for me this year. I really love the TpT community. I have been going on the site for years buying amazing resources and always happy to find a great free resources.


I love to check both of these stores out for games that go on clearance. I am always looking for something to make sessions more engaging and fun. I know that if I get bored…the kids are BORED.

Dollar Stores

Whatever kind you shop at…they all have inexpensive items that are obviously for school purposes, but I love to find other items and figure out how I can use them to work in my itinerant world. Thrifty Momma!


If you read any of my posts you will know I love Amazon for my home life and school life. I am a busy working mom and I love when something can be “magically” delivered!!!

Boom Cards

I started a Boom Learning store. I love making these resources and think they are super fun for my students, especially using distance learning.